
Our Story

Over a 30-year P.E. career as the “Resident Geek” with a passion for information systems, I’ve built, used or analyzed 40+ engineering and construction related data systems and found nothing that even begins to meet the complex needs of this industry. So, we found the best minds in the country and built the Google of our industry. – Greg Putnam, CEO Founder

Vahalo’s Values and Core Beliefs

In this business, integrity is the product we sell. The processes and systems that ensure the accuracy, reliability and timeliness of the information we generate are key to the integrity and value we provide our clients.

Who We Are…

We are a dedicated team of engineers who have built the greatest Construction Materials Testing Software to date.

What We Do…

We deliver world class SaaS software which allows you to manage your business and streamline your workflow. CMT Software will never be the same.

How We Do It…

We have over 30 years experience working in the engineering, construction, inspection and testing industry. We pay attention to detail and our commitment to quality is what sets us apart.

Nothing is more frustrating than using software that has glitches, isn’t intuitive or makes you work for the software rather than the software working for you.

Our Philosophy

It’s simple. We believe in developing world class software solutions that gives our users power and control over their data and workflow.

At Vahalo we value your business and will give you world class software, training and support. We know that if you decide to use our platform, you will be improving your business and accomplishing more than you ever thought possible.

Our Idea

We looked around the industry and noticed that there was not a single platform that had the flexibility and ease of use to effectively capture the wide variety of data needed from field technicians and engineers. The syncing of data between the field and the office was a pain point for most companies.  The ability to continue capturing field data without an internet connection was non existent.

Our idea was simple. We wanted to develop the best software possible to allow you to effectively manage your work processes in the office or out in the field.

Meet Our Team

Greg Putnam

CEO & Co-Founder

As a Licensed Professional Engineer with a Master’s in Business Administration and 37 years of professional experience in both general Civil Design and Construction Management, Greg has also had a life-long passion for Computer systems.  Last half of his career has focused more and more on managing the development and implementation of Computer Database Systems for the Technical Services industry. This combined experience provided the core insights that lead to the unique and revolutionary structures that make up the Vahalo System.

Mitchell Harris

CIO & Co-Founder

Mitchell is a senior developer with leading experience in ASP.NET, C#, web applications, Javascript, NodeJS, and specializes in architecting systems with non-traditional data needs. 

Mitchell is awesome at architecting and implementing complex systems with multiple integration points. He has significant knowledge and passion for custom language development which he utilized to develop an expression language for our product.

Bob Kaufman

Chief Technology Officer (CTO)

Bob leads Vahalo’s research and development program. Bob explores emerging technologies, assesses their impact on the company’s business, prototypes and evaluates new concepts, and recommends new strategies and solutions.

Prior to joining Vahalo in 2016, Bob has been involved in many projects including projects in the E-Commerce, Healthcare and Financial spaces.

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